
Colour Blindness & Cubing

Most people in the world are not colour blind and have no idea what people that are colour blind can see. In this article we aim to explain the different types of colour blindness and also provide examples of this.

What are the different types of colour blindness?

- Deutan

Deuteranomaly, another name for deuteran colour blindness, is a form of red-green colour blindness in which the eye's green cones over-recognize red light and under-recognize green light. As a result, particularly in low light, red, yellow, green, and brown can look alike.



- Protan

Red and green are typically difficult for the eyes to distinguish in protan colour blindness. Protanomaly and protanopia are the two varieties of protan colour blindness. When the L-cones are present but aren't working properly, a protonomaly results. As a result, red appears greener to the eyes.



- Tritan

Did you know that tritan color blindness is the rarest form of color blindness? It affects the blue cone photopigments in your eye. If you have tritan color blindness, you confuse blue with green and yellow with violet. Tritan color blindness is also known as blue-yellow color blindness.

Tritan is the rarest form of colour blindness and some sources estimated that Tritan affects only 0.01% of the population. 



- Black & White

People with a Monochromatic colour blindness can see only shades of grey. Cone Monochromacy is a condition defined by the exhibition of only one type of cone. Somebody that suffers from BCM can have a good pattern vision during normal daylight levels, but will not be able to distinguish hues. 


Blue Cone Monochromacy

Cubing Whilst Colour Blind

Cubing whilst being colour blind may seem like an impossible task. However, it need not be. There are different cubes available that offer different shades which may aid your vision when comparing colours. We would highly recommend a stickered cube to people that are colour blind due to the many shades of stickers which are available. For example: many people that are colour blind will replace one colour with pink or black or maybe even replace the orange side with a different shade of orange which they can distinguish better.

Pre-Covid we did offer custom stickers. However, we have temporarily had to halt our sticker cutting due to a move into a temporary unit whilst our new warehouse is being built (more on that in another article). 

Additional Info

Most people associate being 'Colour Blind' with seeing absolutely no colour at all, however, this is not the case. This is a very rare type of colour blindness called Monochromacy. 
However, it doesn't stop there, there are also different sub-types of Monochromacy, let's delve a little deeper into these sub-types.

Before we look at that let's just understand a little bit about how the eye works. The human eye has 2 different receptors in which it perceives light. We call them 'Photoreceptor Cells'. The Rods are very sensitive to brightness and are primarily used for seeing in the dark (night vision). We also have Cones, which are responsible for seeing colour under normal lighting conditions. 

There are 3 different forms of Cones which all play different roles in their perception of Reds, Greens and Blues. The mixture of these 3 cones perceiving colour is how our eyes manage to interpret such a huge range of colours and shades. Compared to cones, rods play absolutely no role in colour perception.