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3x3 Guides & Tutorials

View our full range of 3x3 walkthrough guides and tutorials. Whether you want to learn how to solve your 3x3 using the beginners method or the more advanced CFOP method, we've got you covered. More guides and tutorials will follow soon. If theres a guide you after but we don't have, just fill in the form below and let us know.


Learn the correct WCA notation for the 3x3 Rubik's cube.

Beginners Method

Want to learn how to solve the Rubik's cube and impress your friends? Learn the beginners method now.


Learn a more advanced method for solving the 3x3 cube. Here we learn both 1-step LL and 2-step LL.


Learn how to solve your 2x2 using the CMLL algorithms.


Learn how to solve your Rubik's Cube using the ZBLL algorithms. One of the most advanced 3x3 methods.


Learn some of the coolest patterns that you can make on your 3x3 Rubik's Cube

Core Compare

Compare some of the best (and worst) 3x3 cores. We've taken a lot of time to take photos of each individual cubes core and mechanism.


Other Handy Info

What's the difference between COLL and CMLL?

COLL stands for Corners of Last Layer
CMLL stands for Corners of Last Layer but with NO regard for the M slice

COLL will permute and orientate the last layer corners whilst also permuting the last layer edges. You can use COLL as long as you have all of your last layer edges oriented correctly

CMLL will permute and orientate the last layer corners but complete disregard the last layer edges.